
Nevion’s renewed ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications highlight company transformation

Oslo, Norway, 31 January 2018Nevion, the award-winning provider of virtualized media production solutions, has successfully renewed its ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 certifications. The new certifications underline Nevion’s corporate transformation from simply providing ’media transport and broadcast products and solutions’, to being a company focused on the ’development, sales, deployment and support of Software Defined Technologies for mission critical data networking’, including networking for media production.

Developed by the International Organization for Standardization, both ISO 9001 and 14001 standards are designed to ensure that company’s products and services consistently meeting customers’ requirements, and that quality is consistently improved. ISO 9001 is a quality management system that gives organizations a systematic approach for meeting customer objectives and delivering consistent quality, while ISO 14001 provides practical tools for those looking to manage their environmental responsibilities.

The wording of the activities covered by the certificates, “Software Defined Technologies for mission critical data networking”, reflects the remarkable transformation the company has achieved in the past few years, as its business has shifted from baseband to IP, from products to solutions, and from hardware only to more software and services.

Geir Bryn-Jensen, CEO of Nevion, said: “As a company focused on delivering the very best products and customer service while maintaining best practices, we are very pleased to have successfully renewed both our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. We are all the prouder, because nowadays the ISO certification evaluates all the business processes, which in our case have evolved dramatically as we embarked on our successful and profitable corporate transformation. The ISO auditor who visited us said he had never seen a company transform so quickly in terms of ISO compliance!

“This is also a terrific way to head into the new year. 2017 was Nevion’s best year yet from a business perspective, and we want to try and surpass expectations again this year. These ISO 9001 and 14001 renewals will keep us moving in the right direction.”

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