Nevion Products

Flashlink family – Planned for Discontinuation (LTB 2023.03.31) Optical Transport Platform

Our Flashlink transport system family offers solutions ranging from simple CWDM/DWDM point to point links to nationwide optical links. In addition to transport systems, the Flashlink line offers signal processing solutions including format conversion, frame synchronizers, embedders/de-embedders, couplers, up/down/cross-converters, optical and distribution amplifiers.

Flashlink provides ultra low power, compact form factors and high reliability for broadcast environments, resulting in award-winning optical fiber distribution and signal processing solutions.

Our Flashlink series features the lightest 2RU frame on the market and a carbon footprint that reduces power consumption by a dramatic 30 – 50%. Flashlink also features a completely fan-free environment, saving customers resources with the elimination of fan maintenance and replacement, further increasing the reliability of the platform.

New to the portfolio is a range of products forming the Next generation Flashlink solution, offering unmatched fiber utilization.

  • High-fiber utilization, offering the potential for network cost saving
  • Up to 240 HD-SDI signals over a single fiber
  • >100km of distance
  • Cost effective, all-in-one solution for the transport of all the signals required for the production of live content

Document   Flashlink-Optical-Solutions-Paper

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