PLAZAMEDIA case study, SMPTE ST 2110 over LAN and Audio over IP – Andy Rayner at IP Showcase at NAB 2019

At the NABshow 2019, Nevion’s Chief Technologist, Andy Rayner, gave presentations at the IP Showcase booth on 3 separate topics:
- PLAZAMEDIA IP based Broadcasting Center Germany
- Transporting ST 2110 Over WAN — Update
- Audio Handling in an IP Studio Environment
The videos of these presentations have now been published by the VSF and can be found below.
PlazaMedia IP based Broadcasting Center Germany
Presented by Andy Rayner, at the IPShowcase booth, Monday, April 8, 2019
Transporting ST 2110 Over WAN — Update
Presented by Andy Rayner, at the IPShowcase booth, Thursday, April 11, 2019
Audio Handling in an IP Studio Environment
Presented by Andy Rayner, at the IPShowcase booth, Tuesday, April 9, 2019