Research shows a rich future for IP in live production

It may be the broadcast industry’s $64 thousand dollar question, however predicting when the sector will be fully entrenched in using IP for live production may be easier than we think. According to the latest research conducted by Futuresource Consulting, on behalf of Nevion, the majority of broadcasters anticipate using IP in live production within the next decade.
Despite IT equipment and software being present in other areas of the broadcast chain for several years, the so-called last bastion in the transition to IT based systems and architectures is live production. Traditionally, operators in this highly-competitive and complex form of content production seem to have struggled with the common barriers to adoption, such as cost, the immaturity of products currently on the market, and security.
However, according to the research, which gauged the opinions of VPs of technology and chief engineers from leading broadcasters across eight countries, 41% of respondents said they had actually already begun the transition to using IP in live production in nominated workflows, and just 7% said they had no plans for transition.
Cost has also been a major driver for broadcasters in the transition to IP in live production, with companies tempted by the reduction in OPEX and CAPEX as a result. The research found that 38% cited the reduction in OPEX and greater efficiency as perceived drivers, while 21% said it was the reduction in CAPEX.
The migration of live workflows may just be stepping out of the starting blocks, however the research suggests that it is being viewed as the next logical step for broadcasters. The pace of change will vary according to the needs, budget and infrastructure capabilities of each specific broadcaster, however fast forward ten years and live SDI production by broadcasters looks like it will be in the minority, and those who predicted it could be $64 thousand dollars richer!