Nevion and industry standards

Nevion has had a long standing commitment to industry standards, in terms of defining them, implementing them in our products, testing them and promoting them through AIMS (Alliance for IP Media Solutions) – of which Nevion was one of the 5 original founders. Nevions two flagship products, Virtuoso and VideoIPath both conform to industry standards.
Andy Rayner, Nevion’s Chief Technologist, has personally been actively engaged in standards work for many years. He is on the board of the VSF (Video Service Forum), and has been helping to define SMPTE ST 2110 and AMWA NMOS – the two cornerstones of IP media production networks. He is in fact leading the initiative looking into SMPTE ST 2110 in a WAN environment.
In the video below, Andy Rayner gives a quick overview of Nevion’s commitment to industry standards.