In conversation with the Architects: real-time production workflows in the Cloud

With Evan Statton, Principal Architect, Media & Entertainment, AWS

In the first episode of a series of technical discussions, called “In conversation with the Architects”, Nevion’s Chief Technologist Andy Rayner will be in chatting with AWS’s Evan Statton the future role of Cloud computing in real-time production workflows. The broadcast media industry is now addressing some of the required technical definitions needed to move towards a future interoperable multi-vendor software toolkit.
This move to a software-based end-to-end workflow is necessitating a re-visiting of the whole way that real-time media data is transferred between software functions. AWS has been evolving new capabilities that may well help enable some of these future workflows and their very recent open-source release of ‘CDI’ is potentially a key enabler to the industry. This “Conversation with the Architects” will help unpack the exciting emerging technology in this area.