Nevion Whitepaper – The Future of Broadcast

The Future of Broadcast White Paper

One of the biggest trends to affect the industry in recent years is the transition to IP — using a standardized network infrastructure and connectivity to transport video and audio throughout the broadcast ecosystem.

As an organization that has been working on this transition for many years, we at Nevion wanted to take the temperature of the market, listen to industry views and see just where we are in terms of IP, virtualization and beyond.

This short whitepaper is based on our experience within the market, as well as contributions from industry experts, engineers and media with a stake in IP. We used Twitter to engage with our participants and have included their answers to a few targeted, succinct questions.

To access the whitepaper, please complete the form below. Upon completion, you will receive an email with a link to the document.

Whitepaper: The future of Broadcast
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