Whitepaper: The future of live production – Remote and distributed production

When it comes to broadcasting, without doubt, content is king – and live programming offering the most compelling viewing. Creating live content with the high production values that are one of the broadcasters’ USPs is is expensive though and, in a highly competitive environment, broadcasters are under enormous pressure to reduce costs. In short, broadcasters need to find ways of doing more, with less.

This whitepaper, produced jointly by Nevion and its parent company Sony, examines how production workflows can now be reimagined, with the help of IP technology, to create the very best content in the most cost effective way. It looks at the remote and distributed production models available to broadcasters (including Cloud production), and the strategic, tactical and operational criteria that broadcasters will need consider in choosing the right model(s) for them. It underlines the importance of considering every IP project with great care, as it is likely to be an important building block for the the distributed production future of the broadcaster.

Download the Nevion whitepaper

The Nevion “The future of live production – Remote and distributed production” whitepaper can be downloaded for free, by providing contact details in the form below.

Whitepaper: The future of live production - Remote and distributed production
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