Whitepaper: The Road to COTS and the Cloud for real-time broadcast production

For a long time, professional-grade real-time media transport, processing and monitoring functionality was provided by dedicated hardware.
Recently however, products have started to appear on the market with an increasing proportion of their functionality provided by software. This brings a lot more flexibility as the same unit can be used for multiple purposes. It also brings savings through flexible licensing of the functionality, reduced hardware replacement and lower space usage, as well as a lower cost of training, maintenance and management.
Currently, the most common approaches to delivering to Media Function Virtualization is to use specialized platforms, optimized for performance. However, solutions based on COTS (commercial off the shelf) IT platforms are beginning to appear, and there is also talk of a move to Cloud delivery.
This whitepaper examines the status of COTS and Cloud delivery for real-time transport, processing and monitoring, and considers current limitations and how they might be overcome.
Download the Nevion whitepaper
The Nevion “The Road to COTS and the Cloud for real-time broadcast production” whitepaper can be downloaded for free, by providing contact details in the form below.