Nevion Products

Multicon – Planned for Discontinuation (LTB 2023.03.31) IP-based Control Panels

Categories: Product Family: Management Systems

Nevion provides both hardware and software control panels to enable efficient control of VikinX routing and Flashlink signal processing solutions, in studio or outside broadcast environments. All control panels communicate via Multicon controllers over an IP network. The Web Panel is a software based alternative to traditional hardware control panels.

The CP-TOUCH control panel is a highly customizable touch-screen control panel that may be used in a variety of different applications including master control, studio automation and outside broadcast. The control panel is designed for combined control of signal processing and routing equipment.

Key Features

  • Control levels, virtual routers and salvos in VikinX systems
  • Control parameters and matrices in Flashlink systems
  • Combine VikinX and Flashlink control on the same control panel
  • Multiple configurations may be applied from Nevion Configurator
  • Graphical configuration of button assignments from Nevion Configurator
  • Apply common configurations to multiple control panels
  • Control third-party routers connected to the Multicon controller

Document   cp-touch-1u_ds_0

Document   CP_TOUCH.revC

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