The Virtuoso FA H.264/AVC Media Function provides high quality 10-bit 4:2:2 encoding and decoding with low end-to-end system latency for contribution applications.
Nevion Virtuoso FA can run multiple instances of the H.264/AVC Media Function on a single platform for high-density applications.
The H.264/AVC compression requires a dedicated H.264 accelerator card, which supports SD/HD/3G-SDI input, and either encoding or decoding with H.264/AVC or MPEG-2. The fully standards-compliant output Transport Stream can be transmitted over ASI or IP. The ability to support encoding or decoding on the same Accelerator increases flexibility in deployment of new services and gives a very tight and compact offering for outside broadcast production
applications (sports, news and other live events) and managed media services.
The Nevion Virtuoso H.264/AVC Media Function, combined with Nevion’s advanced protection mechanisms, enables broadcasters to utilize cost-efficient IP links for the real-time transport of professional media with low bandwidth utilization, combined with extremely high quality and availability.